Friday, October 14, 2011

You are Amazing!

How many ways is your partner amazing? Show appreciation through this maze-based date:

The Invitation: The are many heart-shaped mazes and love-themed mazes available in activity books and on the web. Copy one onto cardstock and write "You are amazing!" across it.

The Activity: Here are just a few suggestions. You can get lost in a corn maze, play The Amazing Race game with other couples, rent Labyrinth (1986 movie with David Bowie) or hold a labyrinth tournament. If you don't have this simple game, make your own out of a box lid and pipe cleaners, skewers or licorice ropes glued down to create pathways. Punch holes and add marbles. Roll the marbles from one end of the maze to the other without losing them down the holes.

Treats: Gather random candies. Add grahams and or cake/donuts and some icing tubes and have a contest to see who can make the most a-mazing food creation. Eat the entries after you have judged them.

Labyrinth of praise: At the end of the evening, lead your partner to a room where you have set up a web of strings. This is done by taking several lengths of yarn and winding them around the room, weaving under furniture, over obstacles, around shelves, etc. Each string will have notes attached to both ends. In order to read all the messages, your partner will have to follow a strings from their beginnings to their ends. Note messages can be simple thoughts, such as:
You amaze me are multi-talented, a hard-worker, and good-looking.
I am amazed by....your creativity and your charisma.
Our love is amazing because....we make such a great team.
You have given me the amazing gift...of acceptance and friendship.

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